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- /********************************* Chaos.c *********************************/
- /* :ts=8 - for z editor */
- /* Inspired by Public Broadcast System's broadcast of NOVA episode "Chaos".*/
- /* Encouragement form Gene E. Toye who wrote C128 version in basic 1st. */
- /* Original Window & Screen definitions by PowerWindows 2.0 and modified. */
- /* This source code and executable are hereby placed in the public domain */
- /* with all the implications thereof, etc., etc. legal gobbledeegook. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- struct LPoint {
- long X,
- Y;
- };
- struct LPoint Corners[3] = {
- {0L, 0L}, {639L, 0L}, {319L, 389L}
- };
- struct NewScreen NScreen = {
- 0,0, /* screen XY origin relative to View */
- 640,400, /* screen width and height */
- 2, /* screen depth (number of bitplanes) */
- 0,1, /* detail and block pens */
- HIRES+LACE, /* display modes for this screen */
- CUSTOMSCREEN, /* screen type */
- NULL, /* pointer to default screen font */
- (UBYTE *)"Chaos Reigns! <click left mouse button to exit, right to pause>", /* screen title */
- NULL, /* first in list of custom screen gadgets */
- NULL /* pointer to custom BitMap structure */
- };
- struct NewWindow NWindow = {
- 0,10, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
- 640,390, /* window width and height */
- 0,1, /* detail and block pens */
- NULL, /* first gadget in gadget list */
- NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
- NULL, /* window title */
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* custom bitmap */
- 640,390, /* minimum width and height */
- 640,390, /* maximum width and height */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
- };
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct Screen *Screen;
- struct Window *Window;
- main(argc, argv)
- short argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- /* regs for speed! */
- register struct IntuiMessage*Message;
- register short NextCorner;
- register long X,
- Y;
- extern void DisplayBeep(),
- Move(),
- ReplyMsg(),
- Terminate(),
- WritePixel();
- extern long Wait();
- extern double ran();
- extern struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- extern struct IntuiMessage *GetMsg(),
- *WaitPort();
- extern struct Library *OpenLibrary();
- extern struct LPoint Corners[3];
- extern struct NewWindow NWindow;
- extern struct Screen *OpenScreen(),
- *Screen;
- extern struct Window *OpenWindow(),
- *Window;
- /* open things */
- if ((IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L)) == NULL) Terminate();
- if ((GfxBase=(struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L)) == NULL) Terminate();
- if ((Screen = OpenScreen(&NScreen)) == NULL) Terminate();
- NWindow.Screen = Screen;
- if ((Window = OpenWindow(&NWindow)) == NULL) Terminate();
- /* set up things */
- SetAPen(Window->RPort, 1L);
- SetBPen(Window->RPort, 0L);
- SetDrMd(Window->RPort, JAM1);
- /* set starting point */
- X = (long)(ran()*639.9);
- Y = (long)(ran()*389.9);
- /* plot initial points */
- WritePixel(Window->RPort, Corners[0].X, Corners[0].Y);
- WritePixel(Window->RPort, Corners[1].X, Corners[1].Y);
- WritePixel(Window->RPort, Corners[2].X, Corners[2].Y);
- /* enter main loop */
- if ((Message = GetMsg(Window->UserPort))!=NULL) {
- if ((Message->Class == MOUSEBUTTONS) && (Message->Code == SELECTDOWN)) {
- ReplyMsg(Message);
- Terminate();
- }
- else if (Message->Class == MOUSEBUTTONS) {
- ReplyMsg(Message);
- Message = WaitPort(Window->UserPort); /* pause until UP */
- Message = GetMsg(Window->UserPort);
- ReplyMsg(Message); /* reply to message ASAP */
- }
- else ReplyMsg(Message);
- };
- WritePixel(Window->RPort, X, Y);
- NextCorner = (short)(ran()*2.9);
- X = (Corners[NextCorner].X-X)/2+X;
- Y = (Corners[NextCorner].Y-Y)/2+Y;
- } /* end FOREVER */
- } /* end main */
- void Terminate()
- {
- extern void CloseLibrary(),
- CloseScreen(),
- CloseWindow(),
- exit();
- extern struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- extern struct Screen *Screen;
- extern struct Window *Window;
- /* close everything up before ending */
- if (Window) CloseWindow(Window);
- if (Screen) CloseScreen(Screen);
- if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- exit(0); /* completely exit program! */
- } /* end Terminate() */
- /* EOF - Chaos.c */